Our development Strategy plan

The renewal of the Strategic plan will last until 2029; it intends to revitalize the University’s vision and mission and extract the strategic priorities/goals and then consolidates the points made from the review by placing them within the context of a very dynamic environment of higher education in the region and beyond. There are many factors influencing our planning agenda such as the technology utilized for teaching, learning & research, which developed considerably in the last 10 years and will change even more rapidly in the future.

It is expected that the demand for other services from the University beyond teaching and learning, will grow this include research that is set to become pivotal to the development of the community welfare and economy. It is also expected that the University’s funding sources will increase because of the expected changes in research financing of education.

Globally, Higher education institutions (HEIs) are at the forefront of producing impactful research and engaging with non-academic stakeholders who are looking for answers to their challenges. In Somalia, due to the civil war, structural conditions have hindered the production of good quality research e.g., low qualifications, access to resources, low career choice in research etc. Research is even a harder challenge in the field of health sciences that rely largely on quantifiable data and statistics as opposed to other fields. Today, more necessary than ever, the University of Health Sciences is dedicated to create a vibrant environment to drive this agenda forward. The research output will be central to the university’s transformation process and ultimately strengthening our impact.

Nationally, the Country endured turbulent periods following the civil war and so is the higher education which is currently undergoing the basic development stages; Thus, the University of Health sciences is committed to provide suitable learning environments that promote intellectual growth. Furthermore, by reviewing our academic practices we will ensure that sufficient priority is given to the development of vibrant research environment and the expansion of the postgraduate studies over the next decade in order to balance the ratio with undergraduate enrolment and provide a more highly trained graduates