Message of Dean
Dear students, It’s a great pleasure to welcome you to the faculty of Radiological Sciences and Medical Imaging at the University of Health Sciences, Bosaso, Somalia.
This program was inaugurated in 2021, and it’s the first undergraduate program in this field established in the country. Our bachelor program is a four year program that aims to prepare future medical imaging professionals for the country who are equipped with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for radiological and imaging interpretations.
The faculty collaborates with public and private hospitals, as well as private radiologic and imaging centers. In addition, the faculty aspires to expand its partnerships by connecting with national, regional, and international radiologic and imaging centers and bodies.
Such partnerships will enable our students to further their training and join prestigious postgraduate programs upon graduation. Best wishes, Mustapha Abdirahman Bsc. Msc. Dean, faculty of Radiological sciences and medical imaging